The Beauty and Health Benefits of Using Kedma’s Body Salt Scrub

woman scrubbing her face

Feeling a little unsatisfied with how things are going with your skin or how the signs of aging seem to show faster than before? There’s only one way to resolve this problem, and that’s by giving your skin and body a good and thorough scrub.

As you may know, the skin is constantly exposed to harmful rays of the sun as well as pollution and allergens in our surroundings. This makes our skin susceptible to acne and dryness and, even worse, skin infection.

That’s why you need to show some extra care and love to it so you can continuously enjoy soft and blemish-free skin. Fortunately, there’s something you can do to ensure your skin is free from any of these impurities. Based on my own experience, body scrubs do more than just cleanse.

The one that I’m using now is from Kedma, a leading skincare brand in the Philippines. This Peach & Honey Salt Scrub has undeniably done wonders to my body and skin. Allow me to give you a quick rundown of the things I’m enjoying with my sea of the from Kedma Philippines.

1. It exfoliates my skin

One of the things I love about this body scrub is the fact that it can easily get rid of dead skin cells to give way to much better and smoother skin. Unlike any scrubs you’ll see in the market, Kedma’s Salt Scrub formula is much gentler and milder. So you don’t there’s no tight or dry feeling after rinsing.

2. It evens out my skin tone

For people who are suffering from hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone, body scrubs can improve the appearance of skin. Since using it encourages new skin cells to grow, you have better chances at lightening areas in your body that are darker over the others.

Just make sure to moisturize the area with cream or lotion right after the body scrub to keep it hydrated. Because dry skin makes skin vulnerable to the sun, which can further cause damage and trigger hyperpigmentation.

Why should you use a body scrub?

Prior to using Kedma’s Peach & Honey Salt Scrub, I was not entirely convinced as to what a body scrub does. I thought that soap and a luffa are more than enough. However, with consistent use, I realize how relieving and beneficial it is to my skin. This is why if ever you ask me whether I recommend you to use it, I’d definitely say yes.