Black Pearl Cosmetics Philippines’ Age Control Perfect Day Cream is Perfect for You

Let’s talk about day creams for a bit. Have you ever tried using day creams that claim to be light on the skin but actually leave an icky after feel?

I, too, have tried different day creams. But I end up feeling disappointed. Most of the time, I stop using a cream because of the icky feeling it leaves on my skin. I especially dislike the greasy feel on my face by midday, so I end up washing my face to get rid of the stickiness. It’s such a hassle.

But I’m happy to say that I no longer have that problem since I started using Black Pearl Cosmetics Age Control Perfect Day Cream. It is, by far, the best day cream I’ve ever tried. The Perfect Day Cream, indeed!

Black Pearl Age Control Perfect Day Cream 45 SPF 25

Why I love This Cream

The list of ingredients used in this product is the biggest factor for me. I am a fan of skin care products that use natural ingredients. It’s safer to use skin care products that contain quality and natural ingredients.

And this day cream is all that. It contains a unique combination of powerful ingredients. The list includes Black Pearl Powder, Seaweed Extract, sea minerals, and SPF.

The mix of sea minerals is a concentration of over 25 minerals that are exclusive to the Dead Sea. And you can’t get any more natural than that.

These ingredients work together to completely moisturize, rejuvenate, and repair the skin.

When these ingredients work their magic on your skin, the result is amazing! You get beautiful skin without the use of invasive treatment. I also like the fact that it suits all skin types and works well with dry to very dry skin.

I have combination skin. So I put an extra layer of cream on areas that are more prone to drying and scaling. I also use this day cream as a make up base when I need to put on make up. This cream serves as an all around every day cream. It keeps my skin moisturized, especially when I have make up on.

The cream is easy to use and only needs a very small amount for application. It is effective and cheaper to use in the long run, considering how amazing the results are. 

A Strand of PearlsThe Ingredients

Let’s take a closer look at what goes inside the beauty jar.

  1. Black Pearl Powder

It contains vitamins and minerals that help improve skin texture. The black pearls are milled into fine powder and mixed in the cream. And because the cream is light, the skin easily absorbs it. This is how the skin can take advantage of all the wonderful benefits of the pearl powder. The delicate black pearl grains also serve as an exfoliant. It effectively sloughs off old and dead skin cells, making the skin look clear and supple.

  1. Seaweed Extract

It contains high amounts of natural moisturizing components. This gives the skin all the moisturizing it needs, making it look youthful and radiant.

  1. Dead Sea Minerals

These minerals are unique to the Dead Sea and have natural skin healing properties. These help repair the skin and improve the skin tone. This, in turn, increases the skin’s ability to absorb all the nourishing benefits of the cream.

  1. SPF 25

This protects the skin from harmful UV rays. The good thing about SPF is that it helps keep your skin look more even toned. It protects the skin and prevents the melatonin from kicking in when you’re exposed to the sun. Unlike skin whitening ingredients, SPF keeps the tone of your skin more even. So you don’t have to worry about having a paler color on your face than the rest of your body.

The Perfect Daily Cream

My skin texture greatly improved since I started using the BP Perfect Day Cream. It also helped simplify my morning skin care routine. I am now down to using 3 products from the usual 6 basic ones I had been using.  

The 6 products I use in the morning help me achieve that fresh, no make-up look. But with healthy glowing skin, I don’t need all of it anymore. Allow me to show you the comparison:


1st step: BP Facial Wash

2nd step: Toner

3rd step: Concealer

4th step: Day Cream with SPF

5th step: Cheek Tint

6th step: Lip Color


1st step: BP Facial Wash

2nd step: BP Perfect Day Cream SPF 25

3rd step: Lip Color

I usually go for the no-makeup look on a daily basis because it’s fast and simple. But this look was impossible to achieve before I had better skin.

But now, I can skip the toner, concealer, and cheek tint. I love how my skin looks fresh and glowing now, even with less make up. I can feel the difference. Having healthy skin has made it even easier for me to achieve the natural look with only one make-up product. Like my make up artist friend would say, nothing beats clear and healthy skin when it comes to looking effortlessly made up. And I couldn’t agree with him more.

Get that Glowing Skin

Getting youthful skin at the comfort of your own home is now possible. Black Pearl offers a skin care line that is now available in the Philippines and their products are easy to use.

Now you can get great looking skin without the costly and repetitive skin treatments. You can get the Black Pearl Cosmetics Philippines Perfect Day Cream SPF25 here or you can visit their store. You can get other BP Skin Care Products from their online store, too! Finding the right product for beautiful skin can’t get any easier than that.

I love this product because it works exactly the way it promises to do so. I can say that I have finally found a day cream that walks its talk. And I now have the kind of skin I’ve always wanted to have. And that’s just absolutely perfect!