Dealing with Acne? Here Are Three Ideas that Can Help Filipino Women

Do you see those blackheads and zits on your face? They are not only a sight for sore eyes, but they can also be one colossal self-confidence killer. A 2018 study in the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology showed that it could hurt esteem regardless of the person’s age.

Irish research, meanwhile, said that it could lower a person’s quality of life due to social perception about the skin condition. It can even increase the risk of depression, according to another study in the British Journal of Dermatology. Worse, the feelings of self-inadequacy can remain long after the lesions are gone.

So far, science hasn’t come up with a cure, although some are already working on a vaccine. What you can do is to lower the likelihood of developing acne.

1. Use Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a common primary ingredient in many skin products, such as those of Kedma Cosmetics in the Philippines. It is one of the chief components of connective tissues in the body.

As a skin care ingredient, it is a humectant. It can both increase and lock in the moisture of the skin, which benefits people with skin prone to acne. It is also non-comedogenic, which means that it doesn’t clog the pores. Hyaluronic acid can also reduce the appearance of certain acne scars by making them appear plumper or even with the rest of the skin.

2. Consider a Hormone Work-up

The best way to manage a condition is to deal with the root cause. One of the possible causes of acne is hormonal imbalance.

When the body doesn’t produce the ideal levels of hormones, the receptors of the adrenal glands trigger the overproduction of sebum (body oil). It can also change the way the cells around the skin’s hair follicles develop.

To determine if the hormones are the culprit, you need to undergo some tests depending on the other symptoms present. For example, if you have acne, weight gain, and slow metabolism, you can take a thyroid blood test. If acne occurs with inconsistent menstrual periods, excessive hair growth, and mood swings, the gynecologist may suggest a transvaginal ultrasound to determine if you have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

3. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Sleeping Woman

The Philippines is one of the sleep-deprived countries in Asia. The Healthy Living Index 2016 survey revealed that most sleep for less than seven hours a day, which means a deficit of almost two hours compared to other countries. 

Sleep deprivation can disrupt the way the body works, including the production and release of hormones. For example, the pituitary, which is the master gland of hormones, is highly responsive to sleep.

Snoozing can also decrease the flight-or-fight response of the body, which can minimize stress. High levels of stress can result in the overproduction of cortisol and increased glucose. The latter can increase the risk of insulin resistance, which is one of the hallmarks of hormone imbalance.

There might not be a cure for acne, but it doesn’t mean that you cannot do anything about it. You can take little steps toward the right direction with lifestyle changes and better skin care. Don’t forget that you can always count on your dermatologist to help you deal with it.